
rat race

rat race意思

n. 商業上競爭,事業上競爭

rat race例子

At the age of60, my father was at last able to get out of the rat race in the city and buy a house in the quiet country side.
Dad want to get out of the rat race and move back to his hometown.


racketeer :n. 敲詐者,獲取不正當錢財的人; v. 詐取錢財

rhetorical question :不必回答,只為加強語氣及效果的反問

rhapsody :n. 溢美之詞,狂想曲

regiment :n. 團,多數,管理; v. 組織,編成團,統制

renovate :v. 更新,革新,刷新

revealing :a. 有啟迪作用的

regimentation :n. 嚴格控制,紀律

retrograde :a. 後退的,倒退的,退步的; v. 倒退,退步,逆行

renascent :a. 新生的

removable :a. 可除去的,可解職的,可移動的
